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Chiropractic Adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as manipulation, is the use of a high-velocity low amplitude thrust on joints in the spine and extremities to mobilize those that are not moving correctly. They can be performed by the doctor's hand or by an instrument and will be specific to the given joint that is in need as well as the age and health of the patient.


Purpose – The adjustment can aid in restoring joint mobility and decreasing pain, muscle spasms, and joint stiffness. It may also help to regulate nerves that were not previously functioning the way they were designed to. An adjustment has also been found to help with many different conditions given the population of the patient.


Flexion Distraction

Flexion Distraction is a type of chiropractic manipulation using a table that allows flexion of the lower extremities and pelvis in relation to the spine.


Purpose – Flexion Distraction allows for increased mobilization of the joints of patients that are unable to withstand a chiropractic adjustment due to pain tolerance and may potentially delay or eliminate the need for surgery. This treatment option is great for disc conditions, sprain/strains, as well as canal stenosis.


Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft Tissue Therapy is a combination of different massage techniques that can be accomplished by hands or by the use of an instrument.


Purpose – Soft Tissue Therapy helps to relax tight muscles and tendons. It is also beneficial in increasing the range of motion of joints while also decreasing pain.



Cupping is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of suctioned cups.


Purpose – Cupping works as a reverse massage and separates the connective tissue and muscle underneath the skin from each other in order to promote healing in the area by increasing blood flow and breaking up adhesions.


Dry Needling

Dry Needling is the use of small and thin needles penetrating the skin to reach trigger points and tight tissue. This can be done with or without an attached current via an electrical stimulation machine.


Purpose – Dry Needling is utilized to relieve muscle pain and tightness, improve range of motion, and speed up healing.


Electrical Stimulation

Electrical Stimulation is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses.


Purpose – Electrical Stimulation works by increasing stimulation to the beta fibers which in turn block your pain fibers to aid in decreasing pain. It can also be used to relax muscle spasms and decrease muscle atrophy often seen after surgery.


Physical Rehabilitation

Physical Rehabilitation is an exercise and stretching regimen provided by the doctor to target specific muscles in the locations deemed necessary.


Purpose – Physical Rehabilitation is used to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles in order to best treat the patient’s diagnosis by improving overall functionality and sport's performance.


Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping is the application of functional tape to muscles, joints, and/or ligaments. The tape is applied to the skin and then heated by the use of friction. Once applied, the tape can last up to 5 days even when it comes into contact with water.


Purpose – Kinesiology Taping is used to increase stability and decrease pain and inflammation to muscles, joints, and/or ligaments.


Exercise Prescription & Nutrition Counseling

Our chiropractor is also an Exercise Physiologist and certified by the American College of Sports Medicine; therefore, this allows her to formulate exercise programs that are tailored to you specifically. She couples her exercise programs with nutrition counseling through the process of blood work and personalized supplements.


Purpose – Exercise prescription and nutrition counseling is utilized to improve overall quality of life.

Flexion Distraction

A type of chiropractic manipulation using a table that allows flexion of the lower extremities and pelvis in relation to the spine.


Purpose – Increased mobilization of the joints of patients that are unable to withstand a chiropractic manipulation due to pain tolerance and may potentially delay or eliminate the need for surgery.


Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (also called Acoustic Wave Therapy) is a non-invasive treatment option that utilizes sound waves to stimulate your body's natural biological response to promote healing. 


Purpose – Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy will stimulate your body to remove old and unwanted tissue that is contributing to pain which will then allow your body to begin laying down new and healthy tissue.


Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy is a treatment option that applies low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes to the surface of the body that penetrate deep into the targeted tissues.

Purpose – Low-Level Laser Therapy stimulates the mitochondria in the affected area’s cells in order to promote healing, thus decreasing inflammation and pain.


Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is a combination of techniques that manipulates the soft tissues of the body - muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and skin.

Purpose – Massage Therapy helps reduce stress, decrease pain and muscle tension, and improve immune function.

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